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Bell tower of the Parish Church of Santa Maria in Loppia (Barga)
Photo © Mongolo1984
Photo © Mongolo1984

Parish Church of Santa Maria in Loppia

Places of worship

A three-nave building known since 845

During the High Middle Ages, the Parish Church of Santa Maria in Loppia, in the municipality of Barga, was under the control of the Rolandinghi, one of the most important family in the Serchio Valley. The building is in fact of very ancient origin, attested as early as 845, although its present appearance is due to Romanesque-style renovations in the 12th century, when the Latin cross plan with three naves and semi-circular apse was implemented. The oldest construction phase can be identified in the bell tower, of which, however, only the northeast corner has come down to us.

The facade has, in the lower part, a series of blind arcades, also repeated in the apsidal header. The only decorative elements are in the capitals, now unfortunately badly damaged.

Another major renovation involved the church between the 16th and 17th centuries, involving the reconstruction of the bell tower and apse, the raising of the aisles and transepts, and the opening of large windows in place of monofora windows (later restored through more recent restorations).

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