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Emigration of the Tuscan People Museum in Mulazzo


On display there are objects belonging to and used by the Tuscan immigrants

The Lusuolo Castle was the defensive fortress of the town of Mulazzo and of the important transit roads outside of the town, among which the important Via Francigena.

It originally belonged to the feud of Corrado L’Antico, the Marquis of Mulazzo, though the castle was built in the mid-1300s, the era in which Lusuolo became the town of the marquis. In 1450 it passed into the hands of the Genoa-based Campofregoso family, which tore down parts of it. The castle was then enlarged in the early 1600s after the Malaspina Marquis of Lusuolo ceded it to the feud of the Grand Duchy of Tuscany.

Mulazzo - Credit: Alesssandro Vecchi

The museum, located inside the castle, is dedicated to the 114,000 Tuscans that live outside of Italy—in Europe, the United States and Latin America—which have given rise to some 66 Tuscan associations abroad.

It hosts the People of Tuscany exhibit, which showcases photos, letters and other memorabilia, connected to the immigrant experience of Tuscans that live or have lived abroad. The exhibit is continually enriched with objects and other items that Tuscan immigrants and their families donate to the museum.


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