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Baldinucci Civic Museum


Archeological artefacts from the territory are on display in Palazzo dei Vicari

The “Filippo Baldinucci” Civic Museum in Lari is housed inside Palazzo dei Vicari, named after the Florentine governors and built between the 11th and 16th centuries. The museum conserves archeological artefacts, crockery and architectural fragments.

Visitors can admire Etruscan artefacts, like terracotta vases and figures found in the castle, as well as objects from Antiquity, including the statue of a female divinity dating to the 2nd century CE. There are also medieval objects, especially locally-made crockery, and pieces dating to the Renaissance, like architectural fragments and crockery from the 16th and 17th centuries decorated with crests and heraldic motifs. The museum also includes the prison, the underground area – known as Infernothe Sala del Tormento, decorated with 16th-century frescoes, and the Sala del Tribunale.

Castello dei Vicari di Lari
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